
他們一直感到抱歉是向我們這些一直愛他們一直支持著他們擔心著他們的飯, 不是私生飯, 而且我覺得他們很勇敢, 去面對很多人都不願意去面對的事, 但也很痛心... 人的承受力可以有多大呢??

以下是我個人翻譯, 我的原意是想大家站在JYJ的角度去看事情, 但被百度"河蟹"了

原文來自jyj3.net (感謝他們一直為我們帶來最新最真實的消息)

[NEWS] 120308 JYJ Assault Controversy: Kim Jaejoong’s Official Apology “Even in Extreme Situations, I Will Be More Responsible”

[新聞] 120308 JYJ 辱罵事件: 金在中公開致歉 "縱使是最艱難, 我也會變得更負責任"

Kim Jaejoong has released an official apology concerning the sasaeng assault controversy that has surfaced in the past couple of days.


On March 8th (local time) Kim Jaejoong and the other JYJ members held a press conference in Santiago, Chile at the Raddison Hotel for the JYJ 2012 Latin America tour. During this conference, the members opened up about the sasaeng controversy.

於三月八日金在中和其他成員在智利某酒店為了2012南美巡演開了記者會, 在記者會裡, 成員提到有關私生辱罵事件

The members confessed that ever since they debuted in 2004, they have had to endure extremely painful moments because of sasaeng fans.

成員披露自2004年出道開始, 他們因為私生飯的騷擾就一直忍受著而感到極度痛苦

JYJ’s Kim Junsu even stated “they use our identification to expose our private phone calls and also place GPS trackers on our cars to monitor our every move. There were instances of breaking and entering where fans would take pictures of us while sleeping, try to kiss us, and steal our private items. Some fans even hired taxis to collide into our cars to see us in person.”

金俊秀表示 “他們利用我們的身份證號盜取了我們的電話內容並且在我們車上安裝GPS 追蹤噐監視著我們的一舉一動, 他們趁我們睡著潛入我們居所拍照, 試圖偷吻我們, 偷取我們的私人物品, 有些飯為求見到我們, 利用出租車碰撞我們的坐駕

“Our lives began to fall apart as we would be groped, touched, and defiled every moment of the day. We, as humans, should at least be able to ask for a bare minimum standard of living, but instead we are forced to live in indescribable pain”.

我們的生活變得支離破碎, 因為每時每刻會被觸摸, 侵犯, 我們, 作為人, 至少也該有最基本的生活權利, 並不是強迫活在無法言喻的痛苦裡

Kim Jaejoong stated “We want to give an apology for our past behavior. We are sorry that we caused our fans to worry about us and that we forced them to share our pain.”

金在中說”我們想為過去的行為而道歉, 因為我們讓我們的飯為我們擔心而且被強迫著分享我們的痛苦”

He followed by saying “In the future we will think about those who love us whenever we are facing situations which are mentally difficult and will try to act more responsibly. Because of those who support us through the pain we go through, we will try not to break down again.” He then finished with “For those fans who always cherish and support us on stage, I will do my best”

他還說”將來我們再遇到精神上的痛苦時, 我們會考慮到愛我們的人會更負責任地回應, 因為那些一直支持著我們走過痛苦的, 我們會盡力不再次變得軟弱” 最後他說”為了一直支持和愛惜在舞台上的我們, 我會努力的”

Source: Newsen via Nate
Translation by: Yule @ PrinceJJ.com
Please do not remove without full credits.

During a press conference held in Chile on March 8, JYJ opened up about the recording of them verbally abusing fans in 2009. The JYJ members read their prepared statements with grim faces.

在三月八日智利的記者會裡, JYJ 以有關2009 年辱罵粉絲事件為開場白, 他們以嚴肅的表情讀著手中已準備好的文件

Yoochun began, “After debuting in 2004 we have received a lot of love from the public. However, we have also been pained because of Sasaeng fans for nearly 8 years. It felt like prison because someone would always follow me, watch me, and would try to share everything about me. No matter how I tried to get myself out, I had to continue receiving mental pain while feeling trapped.”

先是有天 “自2004年出道開始, 我們收到很多大家的愛, 但我們也因為私生飯長達八年的騷擾而感到很痛苦. 我們就好像在監牢裡一樣, 經常被人跟蹤, 被監視, 並且公開分開我們身邊的一切, 無論我怎樣嘗試逃開, 還是因為經常沒有自由而不斷地受到精神上的折磨

Junsu stated, “I endured the pain because Saesang fans are still fans. However, they used our identification to expose our private phone calls and GPS trackers were put on our cars. There were incidents of breaking and entering where a fan would take pictures of our private items. Some fans would try to kiss me while I was asleep and some fans tried to collide with our car in a taxi to see us in person.”

俊秀說 “因為私生飯也是飯, 我一直容忍著, 但他們利用我們的身份證號盜用了我們的電話內容並且在我們車上安裝GPS 追蹤噐監視著我們的一舉一動, 他們趁我們睡著潛入我們居所拍照, 試圖偷吻我們, 偷取我們的私人物品, 有些飯為求見到我們, 利用出租車碰撞我們的坐駕

Junsu continued, “Our lives began to crumble as we would always be recorded, touched, and derided. We ask to be allowed at least a bare minimum of living as a human being, while we endure this indescribable pain.

俊秀繼續說 “我們的生活變得支離破碎, 因為經常性被拍攝, 觸摸, 嘲弄.  我們只希望有作為人的最少生活的權利, 但我們一直忍受著無法言喻的痛苦

Jaejoong stated, “We want to give an apology for our unjust behavior in the past. We are sorry because of all the fans that worry for us and share our pain. In the future, we will think about the people that love us as public figures whenever we are in mentally difficult situations. We will think about the responsibility we have and never breakdown.”

在中說, “我們想為過去不當的行為而道歉, 因為我們對那些一直在擔心和分擔著我們痛苦的飯感到很抱歉. 將來, 縱使精神上如何痛苦, 我們會多考慮作為公眾形象那些愛我們的人, 我們會考慮我們該有的責任和不會再變得軟弱



Credit: Soompi
Shared by: JYJ3



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